More Details about the Cancer in Women
Being curious with something can give you more knowledge about it. Moreover, know the details of the types of cancer in women will let you know more about the cancer that happen in women. Let me introduce you one by one.Breast cancer – It is one of the most common cancers that will be experienced by women in their life. This type of cancer in women can be occurred in any ages but mostly it occurred in the age of 40. When you get older, you will experience a greater chance of the cancer. A woman should know a lot about breast cancer and how to get rid of it. The prevention tips basically suggest all of the women to have mammograms when they are 40 or even older than that. When they have family history that suffered from the cancer, you need to do the mammograms at the age of 30.
Colorectal cancer – Colorectal cancer is cancer that occurred in the colon and rectum. It is often found in people in the age of 50 and older. Other factors are eating high-fat food that comes from animal, smoking habits, being overweight. It starts with polyp and if the polyps removed, the cancer can be prevented. You need to start eating fruits and also vegetables.
Lung cancer – It is also one of the types of cancer in women in which the mostly cause is about smoking habits. In fact, people who do not usually smoke can even experience this lung cancer. Then what can you do? Well, you can stop smoking if you are a smoker. If you are a passive smoker, you need to change your atmosphere.
Cervical cancer – It is a cancer in women who are considered active. It will be occurred in women who have the virus HPV that is passed on while they are doing the sex. The virus is called human papilloma virus. Women who like to smoke, have poor nutrition and have AIDS can be said as the sufferers of cervical cancer. The solving problem is about doing the pap test. It can help you finding the cancer even in the initial stage. Women who have no family history about the cancer should not use the Pap test.
As a result, there are still some types of cancer that cannot be mentioned here one by one. The best protection you can do to against the cancer is about taking control of the health of yours. You need to stop doing your bad habits such as smoking habits and also drinking alcohol. Take control of your weight, never make it too over.