5 Signs of Cancer in Women with Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a deadly cancer that attacks women. This cancer attacks the woman's cervix and is usually caused by the HPV virus that develops into a malignant cancer cells.

Signs of Cancer in Women

In particular cervical cancer are often underrated because women typically assume the signs that appear are the usual menstrual pain. Eventhough signs of cancer at an early stage are not visible, It is important for women to always go to the doctor regularly for examination if they experience something that are not usual in the reproductive organs.

signs of cancer in women

Women especially who are married and have children are particularly vulnerable to cancer. Cancer of reproductive organs is usually caused by several things such as not properly clean sexual organs after urinating or wash genital with water that is not hygiene, having sex with several partners and using low quality vaginal pads that contain a lot of bleach. Here are 5 signs of cervical cancer in women:

Vaginal Discharge

Abnormal and excessive vaginal discharge is one of the Signs of Cancer in Women of cervix cancer patients. One sign is the discharge of whitish brown, pink, or yellow liquid continuously and smells. The liquid is whitish, thick and slimy. But in some cases there is also a dark-colored liquid and not transparent. Vaginal discharge that occurred beyond the period of before and after menstruation can also be a sign of early stage of cervical cancer.

Abnormal Bleeding

One of the Signs of Cancer in Women with cervical cancer is an abnormal vaginal bleeding. Bleeding occur beyond the normal menstrual cycle. The bleeding is more or less and within a period that is longer than usual menstrual period. In addition, pain also arises in the vagina and hips. When experiencing this, you are advised to see a doctor immediately.

Vaginal Pain after Having Intercourse

If after having sex there is unusual pain in the vagina and cervix, this may be Signs of Cancer in Women with cervix cancer. This pain is due to irritation of the cervix during Intercourse. Another sign of cervix cancer is a lot of bleeding after having sex. Perform health checks immediately if this happens.

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain usually occurs during menstruation. However, if you experience pelvic pain beyond the menstruation period and having chronic pain, it could be one of the Signs of Cancer in Women. Pain in the pelvic lasts for hours with a severe pain.

Pain when urinating

Pain during urination is other Signs of Cancer in Women with cervical cancer at advance stage. This happens due to cervical cancer has begun to spread to the bladder.

When experiencing those that are mentioned above, it is advisable to immediately see a gynecologist for examination. Cervical cancer is treatable if detected early. Therefore, the majority of women with cervical cancer can be cured with intensive care. Thus those are signs of cancer in women with cervical cancer; hopefully this information is useful for you.
5 Signs of Cancer in Women with Cervical Cancer | Unknown | 5