Most women have slight knowledge about diseases in the reproductive organs, especially cancers. The symptoms that occur are often underrated. Whereas it is difficult to cure cancer if not detected and treated early. Currently there are five main types of gynecology cancer in women; they are ovarian cancer, uterine, cervical, vulvar and vaginal. Each cancer requires further examination. Therefore, it is important to have regular checks with your doctor at least every 6 months, especially for women who are menopause.
Here are cancer symptoms in women you should know.
Abnormalities of the vagina and vulva
In general, reproductive cancers that attack women have similar symptoms. One of the gynecology cancer symptoms in women is the presence of abnormalities in the vagina and vulva. These abnormalities may be a wound, skin color changes in the vagina, abnormal bleeding, vaginal discharge and odor. Possibility of an abnormality occurs due to infections of the reproductive system tract. This infection can turn into a dangerous cancer.
Constant urge to urinate
Other Gynecology cancer symptoms in women are the emergence of urge to urinate continuously. This Desire to urinate is due to a sense of pressure in the bladder. Amount of urine that comes out is often very little and is usually accompanied by pain around the stomach and bloating. The symptoms are possible signs of cancer.
Abnormal Weight loss
When a woman loses weight drastically without constant diet or exercise regularly, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately. It could be one of the cancer symptoms in women. Body Weight drop dramatically and abnormally if it decreases approximately 5 kg in a short period of time. Ask your doctor to perform a variety of tests, such as CT scan examination of the thyroid and reproductive organs.
Pelvic pain
Women having pelvic pain continuously and lasts long could be having cancer of the reproductive organs. Cancer symptoms in women suffering from cervical and ovarian cancers are often experiencing pain in her hip. Pain in the pelvis can be cramps and discomfort in the lower pelvic area around the navel. The pain occurs beyond the menstrual period. When pelvic pain occurs in a sustainable manner they should immediately see a doctor.
Abdominal swelling and bloating
At menstruation period, women usually feel bloating in stomach after eating or drinking too much. But if it happens beyond the menstrual period and lasts more than two weeks, you should immediately do the examination. It could be one of the cancer symptoms in women suffering from ovarian cancer. The other symptoms of ovarian cancer are to get easily full stomach even eating a slight food, frequent urge to urinate, abdominal and pelvic pain. In addition to performing a CT scan, ask your doctor to do a blood test as well.
Swelling in the legs
One cancer symptoms in women who had cancer in reproductive organ are swollen leg. When suffering from swollen feet and followed by unreasonable fatigue and other symptoms mentioned above, it is possible there is developing cancer of cervix. Immediately consult a doctor.