5 Symptoms of Liver Cancer in Women

Liver cancer is the deadliest cancer type which is unexplained the reason to this day. Of interim results, liver cancer is generally known to result from unhealthy lifestyles, unhygienic environment or genetic factors. Symptoms of liver cancer only occur when the sickness has gone to the final stage. So it is very important for us to be able to know the early symptoms that can be prevented and treated as early as possible.

Symptoms of liver cancer in women are not much different from those experienced by men.

Symptoms of Liver Cancer in Women

However, men are at risk of liver cancer two times higher than women. Liver itself is the largest organ in our body. Liver has a weight of 2 kg. Liver function is to regulate the composition of fat, protein and sugar in the blood. The liver also serves to eliminate toxins in the blood that are excreted through feces. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the health of our liver. Here are some of the symptoms of liver cancer that is usually experienced by women.

Nausea and Vomiting
Women more often experience nausea and vomiting when exposed to liver cancer than men. Symptoms of liver cancer in women are often regarded as the PMS symptoms that women often ignore. Irregular diet or skipping breakfast often causes nausea. Unhealthy lifestyle is a trigger of liver cancer. In addition consuming raw foods can also trigger occurrences of liver cancer because it needs more effort for liver in the process of digesting raw food.

Bulge Belly
One of the symptoms of liver cancer in women is the bloated stomach. This happens because of a swelling in the lower right rib. The condition can also affect respiratory because it causes the diaphragm to distress. Bulge Belly also occurs because of excessive stomach gas production.

Changes in skin color
Other Symptoms of liver cancer in women is the skin color changes to yellow. A symptom of skin discoloration is also a symptom of hepatitis. Therefore, hepatitis is often referred to as the early symptoms of liver cancer. The yellow color of the skin often occurs in the area around the eyes. Skin also experiences other problems, such as eczema, acne, itching, psoriasis and dry skin. This color change also affects the color of urine. Urine becomes dark yellow color. Along with excessive thirst, urination frequency increases.

Headache and Tired
Headache and fatigue are general symptoms of liver cancer in women and men. But in women it is often accompanied with lethargy, weakness and depression. These symptoms are caused by liver function is not running as it should which interfere the performance of the body's metabolism. For men, headache and fatigue is sometimes accompanied with muscle spasms.

Loss of appetite
One of the symptoms of liver cancer in women is reduce or loss of appetite. This is due to the disruption of digestion. Loss of appetite due to nausea, flatulence and stomach filled with gas because the liver is not functioning properly in processing nutrients. Bowel movement becomes irregular.
5 Symptoms of Liver Cancer in Women | Unknown | 5