Both men and women should always concern with the changes that occur in the body. Such changes may be a symptom of certain diseases. The sooner change is detected and diagnosed, the sooner the disease is treatable especially cancer. Many cancers occur in women reproductive organs. The symptoms are often not realized or considered as trivial. This is dangerous, because most deaths in cancer occur due to postponements in treatment and care.
General symptoms of cancer in women that are often considered trivial
Chronic Cough and Chest Pain
Chronic cough that occurs continuously and is not caused by allergies or respiratory tract infections can be a sign of lung cancer and leukemia. Some patients of lung cancer say that pain occurs in the chest from shoulder to bottom sleeve before and after they cough. One of the symptoms of cancer in women is usually caused by smoking. Recently, researchers say that women exposed to secondhand smoke have a risk of lung cancer higher than female smokers. "Smoking is the number one cancer killer of women," said Beth Y Karlan, MD, Director of the Women's Cancer Research Program at Cedars-Sinai Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute, Los Angeles. If you experience these symptoms contact your doctor immediately for a CT scan and X-ray of the lungs.
If you feel bloated before eating and accompanied by slight nausea for more than two weeks, consult your doctor immediately. You are possible of developing ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is a cancer that attacks the female reproductive organs. In addition to bloating, other symptoms of cancer in women is frequent urination and pain in the low back and pelvis. You can perform a pelvic examination with transvaginal ultrasound and CA-125 blood test to check for cancer cells.
Rectal Bleeding or Blood in Stool
Symptom of this cancer is usually considered trivial because many thought that the symptom of rectal bleeding and blood in stool is a symptom of hemorrhoids. But if you continue to experience this, immediately ask your doctor to perform a rectal examination and colonoscopy because you are possible of developing colon cancer. Colon cancer is the third most common cause of death in women. These symptoms of cancer in women usually affects women aged over 50 years, but there are some cases in younger women.
Breast Changes
If there is a lump in the breast and nipple shape changes, immediately do a mammogram test with your doctor. Changes in the breast area are symptoms of breast cancer. Symptoms of cancer in women with breast cancer are skin changes on the breast like orange peel (dimpling) and red, watery or bloody nipples, swollen breasts and nipples feel hot and scaly or flaking. In addition to a mammogram or ultrasound for examination you also need a biopsy whenever possible.
Whitish liquid that smells
Symptoms of cancer in women with cervical cancer are a whitish fluid from the vagina that smells foul and dark colored. This fluid may contain blood. This fluid is usually beyond the pre or post-menopausal. If this fluid cause itching and pain immediately do laboratory tests.