A List of Symptoms of Cancer in Women

Being healthy and young is the dream of every human being in the world. No matter the sexes they are, no matter their genders are, no matter how old are they will have the same dream. Why does this happen? It happens because being young and also healthy will avoid the people to experience such kind of savage illnesses such as cancer. There are a lot of cancers that can attack both men and women. In this part, we are going to specify our description only about cancer in women.

Symptoms of Cancer in Women

These days, there are more than 100.000 women in the world who suffer from different types of cancer. It could be cervical or ovarian cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, brain cancer, marrow bones cancer, and so other types that could not be mentioned one by one. The type of cancer that will be further described is about endometrial cancers such as ovarian and also cervical cancer.

The Symptoms of Cancer in Women

Generally, cancer in women will attack those who have passed the menopause period. In fact, the symptoms of cancer in women can be found out in the younger women who have not been menopause. For your information, those whose ages are on the 40s and even older should give more attention about their bodies. Here is a list of symptoms of cancer in women you should know earlier.

- Abnormal bleeding in vaginal area. For approximately 90% who experience endometrial cancer will find out that they experience irregular bleeding. For the women in pre-menopausal period, they will be the bleeding time, heavy bleeding and also the bleeding period during the intercourse. When the heavy bleeding happens to you but it is not the exact time for you when the period, the thing you need to do is by looking for a help by the doctor.

- Weight loss. All of the women want to have a perfect and healthy body without spending their time doing exercises and going to the gym. When you lose your weight with doing nothing, it will be a big quotation mark.

- Extremely tired. Doing your hard works and running some errands will spend out all of your energy and you need to take a rest. By getting enough sleep, the feeling of tired will be quickly gone. In contrast, when you have slept for long time and there is no such change, you need a certain help.

- Swollen leg. Swollen leg is also one of the symptoms of cancer in women that occurs in no certain reason. It could be the sign of cervical cancer. It has no pain but it shows the changes in the leg.

- Feel bloating. Bloating can be found when the people have eaten a lot or they have drunk a lot of water during the period time. Sometimes people use a special oil to reduce the bloat on their belly. In fact, when the felling of bloating does not go after weeks, you need to go checking yourself in the medical center.
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