Stomach cancer is the worst illness that attacks stomach of both men and women. For those who experience a hurt in their stomach, no need to worry and never connects it with the stomach cancer. Stomach cancer will have no symptoms in the earlier stages and there will be no main indication about the stomach cancer that can reflect this illness. Having hurt in the stomach could be the indicator that you are too late to eat so it hurts you. In fact, when you want the symptoms of stomach cancer in women there could be about nausea, weight loss, bloating, bleeding and so on.
Symptoms of stomach cancer in women cannot be specified into the main symptoms
As mentioned above, the symptoms of stomach cancer in women cannot be specified into the main symptoms. It is because the symptoms vary and it depends on how savage the cancer is and what type of cancer someone has.
1. Blood in stool. Blood in stool can be the indicator and also one of the symptoms of stomach cancer in women. When you see blood after peeing or on stools, you need to be aware with your body since you will deal with serious problem such as anal fissures and hemorrhoids. Sometimes, people do not quite concern about the blood in their stool because it could be a drop.
2. Discomfort and Pain in the Abdominal Area. The most common symptoms of stomach cancer in women that need them to look for a help is abdominal pain. In the first stage, it will be a bit discomfort that the sufferers will experience. Later, it will be severe pain that needs to be cure as soon as possible. There are also other cancer types that can cause the discomfort and abdominal pain too, such as liver cancer, pancreatic cancer and also gallbladder cancer.
3. Nausea and Vomiting. These two non-specific symptoms can be sounded common for the people who deal with stomach cancer. By the time these two happen, you need to go to the doctor directly. It could be a serious disease and cause damage to your esophagus.
4. Loss of Appetite. Losing your appetite for one or two days can be said as a normal thing that can happen to everyone. Losing the appetite longer than 2 days will be a bit strange and you need to check up yourself. It could be more than a stomach cancer.
5. Feeling Extremely Tired. Feeling tired can be all gone by having more sleep. You will be fresh after a day sleeping the whole time. Fatigue lasts for more than days can show you a serious medical problem. It is usually related to the anemia since there is the blood loss found on stool.
6. Unexplained Weight Loss. Losing your kilograms without doing some exercises should be a bit strange since you are doing nothing but you lose your weight. It means that you need to pay attention to yourself and go to the doctor to help you.