Men are two times riskier in developing stomach cancer than women. However, the number of patients with stomach cancer in women of Asian is higher than women of other races. The number of stomach cancer in Asian women is three times higher than others. Although further studies are in, it is likely due to lifestyle and the type of food consumed by Asian women. Stomach cancer can occur and develop in all parts of the stomach and surrounding organs such as the lungs, esophagus, lymph, liver and the nodes. So when you are experiencing some of these symptoms you should see a doctor immediately so that early treatment can be done. A good treatment after finding stomach cancer symptoms in women earlier can help the healing process of stomach cancer.
Finding stomach cancer symptoms in women earlier can help the healing process
Symptoms of stomach cancer
In women and men, symptoms of stomach cancer are not too different. Stomach cancer symptoms in women and men are nausea and vomiting, abdominal pains, frequent belching, prolonged abdominal pain, sparse and irregular bowel, and loss of appetite. However, if the stomach cancer have develop into advance stage, the symptoms that arise is the presence of blood in the stool that is black colored, weight loss drastically in a short time, anemia, fatigue feeling all day, vomiting blood and swelling lump in the stomach area. Those symptoms that are mentioned above are sometimes not always caused by stomach cancer. But to be sure you should see a doctor immediately if you experience some of these symptoms.
Surgical treatment
Treatment for stomach cancer symptoms in women and men are equal. If you have been diagnosed with stomach cancer, you need to perform treatments which are surgical or non-surgical treatment. Surgical method is done to eliminate the majority of partial gastrectomy. If the cancer has developed into other nearby organs, these organs also need surgery to be removed. For patients with stomach cancer are very likely to do laparoscopic (keyhole surgery) rather than open surgery. Laparoscopic means patients will experience only minor injuries in the abdomen instead of a large wound. For more information about this surgery treatment you can contact your surgeon. This treatment is usually followed by chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment to ensure that all cancer cells are removed.
Non-Surgical Treatment
Non-surgical treatment for stomach cancer symptoms in women and men is Chemotherapy which is generally given intravenously into the blood stream (intravenous chemotherapy) or in the form of capsules to be swallowed in order to terminate cancer cells. Another Treatment is Radiotherapy. Radiotherapy uses radiation to destroy cancer cells. Radiotherapy treatment is rarely applied directly to stomach of cancer patients. The last treatment is Biological therapy using substances to stimulate the body to be able to invade and control the growth of cancer cells. However, if the cancer cells have spread, you are usually advised to take a drug called trastuzumab (Herceptin).
Stomach cancer symptoms in women usually occur more often than men. Therefore many men are not aware of the symptoms until it is late for knowing and taking care of the stomach cancer. To obtain an accurate diagnosis, do blood tests and gastroscopy tests.